Writing and Learning

Connect. Collaborate. Achieve.

Academic Coaching

Building 26, Room 110A


Academic Coaches can help with:

  • setting learning goals
  • cultivating motivation
  • managing time
  • balancing course expectations
  • mapping out assignment deadlines
  • navigating group projects
  • thinking and reading critically
  • developing study strategies
  • preparing for exams
  • connecting with faculty
  • seeking assistance through additional campus support programs 
  • And more!

Academic Coaching for Transfer Students

The Transfer Student Academic Coaching Program, in partnership with the Transfer Center and Cal Poly Scholars, is pleased to support transfer students through one-to-one peer coaching sessions.

Academic Coaching is a growing learning support program for all Cal Poly students. If you are not a transfer student and would like to engage in academic coaching, please email academic-coaching@calpoly.edu for assistance.

Apply to Become an Academic Coach.

Working as an Academic Coach is a great opportunity to support your peers while strengthening your own skills and building community! Visit our Become an Academic Coach page for more information.

Get to Know Our Transfer Coaches

Paulo Aguirre

Paulo Aguirre


TRANSFER academic Coach

Paulo is studying Computer Science for his undergraduate here at Cal Poly. He has transferred from Santa Barbara City College from the central coast city of Santa Barbara, California. Paulo’s goal for this upcoming academic year is to use his experience navigating Cal Poly resources to help incoming transfers have an easier time adjusting to the fast pace quarter system that they may not be accustomed to. It can sometimes be easy to feel a bit overwhelmed when first transitioning to Cal Poly, but that's where Paulo comes in to connect you to the right resources and departments you didn’t know were available to you. We have over 400 different clubs on campus, so if you have any questions on how to get connected just ask Paulo. He is a part of many programs and clubs on campus such as EOP, Cal Poly Scholars, Guardian Scholars, and Society of Hispanic engineers.

Paulo was born and raised here on the central coast and has been known to travel from San Francisco to San Diego quite frequently. He enjoys outside activities such as hiking various trails scattered all across San Luis Obispo from Bishop’s Peak to the Irish Hills. While San Luis Obispo is a beautiful place to explore, Paulo also enjoys playing computer video games of every genre such as role-playing and strategy games.

A piece of transfer related advice from Paulo:

● Do not wait to fall behind in your classes before you ask for help. Your professors want you

to succeed in their class. The faster you connect with them during office hours or during

class, the better your chance of getting the grade in class you know you deserve.

Paulo Aguirre

Alejandra Martinez


TRANSFER academic Coach

Alejandra is studying Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. She transferred from Community College of San Francisco and was born and raised in the Bay Area. Alejandra is a first-generation college student and in her final year at Cal Poly. Along with being an Academic Coach, Alejandra is also the Treasurer of the Association of Transfer Students. In her free time, Alejandra enjoys baking, dancing, going to the beach and spending time with family and friends. She is eager to help transfer students transition from the semester to quarter system and achieve their academic goals using her personal experience and knowledge.

Alejandra is more than happy to share tips she wishes she knew when she first came to Cal Poly.

Some transfer-related advice from Alejandra:

  • Use the resources Cal Poly provides its students; meet with academic advisors, schedule meetings with academic counselors, go to office hours, and join clubs! Make the most out of your time at CalPoly!

Emily Petatan Gonzalez


TRANSFER academic Coach

Emily is studying Sociology, concentrating in Organizations while minoring in Ethnic Studies. She transferred from Santa Barbara City College and received her AA in Sociology and Liberal Arts. As a Santa Barbara local, Emily enjoys going to the beach, playing basketball, going on bike rides, and watching sunsets.

Emily is committed to helping other transfer students succeed by drawing on her experiences to help navigate higher education. She intends to support students by linking them with useful Cal Poly services and with tips on how to make the most of their time here on their transfer journey.

Emily is highly involved on campus, she serves as a member of the College of Liberal Arts Student Diversity Committee, College of Liberal Arts Student Advisory Council, and Association of Transfer Students.

She is thrilled to work with other transfer students, helping them balance their time management, responsibilities, study habits, and social life.

Emily’s goal in each coaching session is for students to gain new insights into their educational aspirations and feel prepared for their next endeavor.

Some transfer-related advice from Emily:  

  • Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone, be involved with as much as possible, and talk to new people.
  • Take advantage of new opportunities, and don’t be afraid to do new things even if you think you’ll fail.
  • You need to ask questions when you need information; people, resources, and answers are available to help you succeed.
Paulo Aguirre

Andrew Salazar


TRANSFER academic Coach

Andrew is 2nd year transfer student studying Environmental Management and Protection with a double minor in GIS and sustainable environments. He transferred from Cerritos Community College from Los Angeles. Andrew is first generation student and in his final quarters at Cal Poly. Aside from being an academic coach, Andrew is also a classroom lead with SciTrek, a researcher in groundwater access, ATS member, and an Association of Environmental Professionals member. In Andrew’s free time he likes to watch movies, go to concerts, and recently got into boxing. He hopes to make the transition into Cal Poly life smoother for incoming and current transfers. He also hopes to give helpful pointers to students looking to get involved with research.

A piece of transfer related advice from Andrew:

Have strong web of resources you can count on. As transfers you have special resources available to you specifically to make Cal Poly life easier. Also don’t forget to set aside time for yourself.

Paulo Aguirre

David Caldera


TRANSFER academic Coach

David is a 3rd year transfer student studying Computer Engineering. He transferred from Oxnard College in Ventura County. David loves to spend time at the beach, hiking, cooking, trying out new foods in LA, going to concerts, and watching movies. David is a first-generation student and a soon-to-be graduating senior this year. He hopes to use his degree to work in robotics and robotic systems.  

David is happy to share knowledge and tips he wishes he had heard when first attending Cal Poly.

A piece of transfer related advice from David:

● Don’t be afraid to get involved on campus with clubs! I seriously look back at my last 2 years here on campus and I really wish I had gotten more exposure to different industries in the realms of engineering. This school has amazing opportunities from amusement parks ride designs to robotics clubs; don’t be afraid to try something new, that’s how you learn best! 

Meet with a Transfer Coach!

Schedule an appointment with a transfer academic coach today!

Appointments are availableJorge, Erik, Aubrey sitting on a bench in-person or via Zoom. If appointment times do not fit with your schedule, email academic-coaching@calpoly.edu, and a coach will find a time to meet with you.

‘Creating a More Welcoming Campus.’ Cal Poly Transfers Help Fellow Students Adjust - Check out this great article about our awesome coaching program!

"The Transfer Academic Coach has provided beneficial tips and insight on improving on studying habits. Those specific tips and information of resources has been irreplaceable.” - incoming transfer class of fall 2021

Based on common topics covered during coaching sessions held the past two years, transfer coaches have developed the tips and information below.  

Connecting with Faculty

Email can be an effective way to connect with a professor, but there are times when the topic(s) at hand is more appropriate for an in-person or Zoom meeting.

Topics that may be appropriate for email:

  • Clarification on dates and deadliness
  • Clarification on an assignment details/requirements
  • To schedule a meeting or a time outside of office hours if the times listed on the syllabus don’t work for you
  • Responding to an email from your professor that awaits a response

Topics that may be better for an in-person or Zoom appointment:

  • Discussing your grade
  • Going over an exam or paper
  • In-depth questions about course content or their research
  • Questions pertaining to practice problems

When Connecting Via Email

  • Use your Cal Poly email address. Use your other email address for non-school related matters.
  • Use the subject line. Make It concise and related to the topic you want to discuss. Check your syllabus because some professors may require certain information in the subject line such as the course name and section (e.g., “BMED 440: Question about lecture #4”).
  • Start professionally: Avoid being too casual (e.g., “Hey Professor”).  A good way to start would be something along the lines of, “Dear Professor Doe.” This would be the safe way to address a faculty member if don’t know if they have a PhD or not.
  • Be concise: Be clear, organized, and brief in your email.
  • Capitalize, punctuate, and check your spelling: Incorrect spelling or lack of punctuation may create misunderstanding or miscommunication. Also, professionalism is important in an academic setting to convey that you are a serious student.
  • Acknowledge any and all replies: Be sure to acknowledge with a thank you in your response.
  • Don’t expect an immediate response: Twenty-four hours is the standard wait time during the business week.

When Connecting Via Office Hours

  • Clarify and ask questions about course content: You can get help with class material by asking your professor to explain it differently or walk through it again with you. You can also ask questions about the text or lecture content.
  • Review exams or papers: You can ask about what went wrong, what went well, and how to improve on the next paper or exam.
  • Study strategies and assignment/project preparedness: Some subjects have specific strategies that that work better for that particular course. You can also discuss strategies and your professor’s expectations on assignments and projects.
  • Discussing grades: Office hours can be an appropriate place to discuss or ask questions about your grade in a class.

Engaging in Research

Research is a great way to get involved with your major and can bolster your resume. Look into current research opportunities in your department and talk to your professors about it. Learn about your faculty member’s research and email them to set up a time to ask questions and how to get involved.

Building a Network

  • LinkedIn is a great way to connect with Cal Poly faculty members, students, and alumni. You never know when a connection can help you land a job or internship!
  • Networking Events: Keep an eye out for networking events where you may get a chance to talk to and network with your peers, faculty members, and alumni. Getting to know your professors better in an event outside of class may help with letters of recommendation in the future.

Managing Time

The quarter system can be a tough transition for a lot of transfers. As a transfer you are usually entering your major specific courses (which are hard enough as it is) and now having to complete these classes at an increased rate can be overwhelming at times. There is not a sure-fire way to fully prepare yourself for the rigor you might feel on the quarter system but there are ways in which you can alleviate the stress that may come with the transition.

Use a Planner

Whether this is a physical planner or digital one (Outlook, Google, etc.), utilizing a planner will help provide a tangible and physical representation of your upcoming tasks. Cal Poly automatically provides an Outlook account when you become student. Beyond just emails, outlook provides a calendar system allowing you to keep track of all important dates in one location.  

An online calendar system also allows you to: 

  • Create multiple schedules all in one location (Work, Classes, Homework, etc.) 
  • Check availability of other’s schedules (Students, Professors, etc.) 
  • Set reminders to finish a task or upcoming events 
  • Effectively create an organized system to provide a foundation for time management skills  

Check out this video highlighting the different aspects of what all Outlooks calendar provides!

Develop SMART Goals

Setting a goal can be easy. But having the drive or the dedication to complete it is an entirely different beast. That is why it is essential to start implementing SMART Goals into your planning routine! What is a smart goal? The premise of a SMART Goal is to fully flesh out a goal you have with realistic expectations as well as a time line on how to achieve it. The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Utilizing SMART goals helps you to effectively plan out your quarter as well as other aspects of your life! An example can be found below.

Basic:   I want to read more.
SMART: I will select one book each month and read it for an hour during lunch and an hour before bed; this will result in reading a total of 12 books a year.

If interested in the science behind setting, assessing and pursuing goals, check out this podcast from Dr. Andrew Huberman who is a tenured professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford

Apply the Pomodoro Time-Management Technique 

Laying out a weekly plan may be one thing, but committing to the plan and having study sessions be effective and efficient can be a whole other hurdle to get over. That is why applying the Pomodoro technique can be a great asset for determining to find what works best for you. The Pomodoro technique has been proven to be a more effective time management technique than trying to complete tasks all at once.  

The Pomodoro Technique

  1. Decide on the task you need to complete
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes
  3. Work on the task until the timer stops
  4. Take a five-minute break
  5. After four cycles of the above, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes
  6. Repeat until the task is complete.

The technique is essentially composed of a 25/5 minute cycles of on/off studying. Now sometimes taking a break 25 minutes into your work may interrupt your concentration, so ratios of the techniques can be used such as 50/10 but don’t increase the times too much as it would defeat the purpose of keeping your mind fresh. Of course thee is no copy and paste technique that is perfect for every individual so use this technique as a baseline. 

Strategize Coursework Completion

Balancing and prioritizing coursework can be stressful and overwhelming. At any given time of the quarter, you’ll find yourself balancing several assignment deadlines while preparing for major projects and exams looming two or three weeks ahead. The suggestions below might assist with determining how best to allocate time to complete assignments, study for exams, and manage  other personal responsibilities.The following suggestions might be helpful in terms of strategizing how best to manage time:

  • Identify: Identify what's most important and urgent. Utilize due dates as a criterion for this as well as the assignment/project scale. 
  • Avoid: Avoid multitasking if possible. Research has linked multitasking to worse performance. 
  • Consider: Consider effort. You may want to take care of tasks that require little time first to avoid a long to-do list. Clearing these small tasks first will provide some alleviation and sense of accomplishment. This can help you in avoiding procrastination and being effective with your effort. More information regarding procrastination.
  • Utilize: Utilize a to-do list and calendar application that incorporates the previously mentioned elements. There are many forms of calendars, whether they are physical planners or electronic calendars. More information regarding time management schedules can be found here and more information regarding the importance of an electronic calendar here.  

To set up this strategy:

  1. Begin by listing all your current courses and thinking of them as “bins”. In each bin, list each assignment that is due for each respective course and any exams.  This will give you a “bird’s eye view” of all the assignments and exams you have in front of you. 
    • Example: 

      HIST 101 

      CPE 202 

      PHYS 141 

      MATH 143 

      • Discussion Board #1 

      • Discussion Board #2 

      • Essay #1 

      • Project #1 

      • Quiz #1 


      • Problem Set #1 

      • Problem Set #1 

      • Exam #1 

  2. Next, identify and list the assignments that require the most urgency. Utilize the assignment’s due dates and scale to help you with this.  
    • Example: 
      • Discussion Board #1 (Due Jan 1)
      • Problem Set #1 [Phys 141] (Due Jan 3)
      • Problem Set #1 [Math 143] (Due Jan 4)
      • Discussion Board #2 (Due Jan 5)
      • Quiz #1 (Due Jan 6)
      • Exam #1 (Due Jan 7)
  3. Then, set up a to do list for the next week or two incorporating assignments/study time to allocate for each day of the week. Doing so will grant you a sense of direction within the long list of assignments and an overall sense of structure. You’ll want to avoid multitasking and work on finishing an assignment one at a time. Consider effort when setting up your to do list and try to focus on clearing assignments that take little effort first to get some sense of accomplishment. Your to-do list may look something like this:
    • Example 

      WEEK 1 








      - Study for Exam #1 

      - Discussion Board #1 

      - Problem Set #1 [PHYS 141] 

      - Problem Set #1 [PHYS 141] 

      - Problem Set #1 [MATH 143] 

      - Discussion Board #2 

      - Study for Quiz #1 


      • Quiz #1 takes place 

      - Study for Exam #1 

      WEEK 2 









      • Exam #1 takes place 






  4. Finally, utilize a calendar tool of some sort to incorporate your 1-2 week plan into. Some electronic calendar services you may consider are Microsoft’s Outlook application or Google’s Google Calendar application. Check out more resources for time management and scheduling.

Visit the Study Strategies Library

For additional support, the Study Strategies Library has curated online resources from a variety of websites. Visit the library for further assistance on topics such as note-taking, memorization, test anxiety, and getting focused.

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Big News!

Come visit us in our temporary space in the Graphic Arts Building (26), Room 110A.

Tutors are available to support your learning during Summer Term! Click here for summer tutoring hours.

Connect. Collaborate. Achieve.
We look forward to supporting your learning!

Academic Preparation and Transitions

The Academic Preparation and Transitions Department plays an integral role in help incoming first-year students prepare for a successful college experience through the Early Assessment Program and the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students program. More information is available on the Academic Preparation and Transitions webpage

Learning Support Programs

The Learning Support Programs department offers a comprehensive menu of programs and resources designed to help you navigate course expectations and achieve your learning goals: free tutoring for subjects across the curriculum, peer-led supplemental workshops and study sessions for STEM-specific courses, and an online study strategies library. More information is available on the Learning Support Programs webpage. 

Graduation Writing Requirement

All undergraduate students who are seeking a Cal Poly degree must fulfill the GWR before a diploma can be awarded. Students must have upp division standing (completed 90 units) before they can attempt to fulfill the requirement and should do so before the senior year. The two pathways to GWR completion are 1) in an approved upper-division course and 2) via the GWR Portfolio. More information is available on the GWR webpage