Writing and Learning

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Specific Detail in Paragraphs

Generally, students have trouble with specifics in the body paragraphs of their essays and reports. They tend to forget that they have to prove their assertions to the reader. Here is a sample:

Yoga is a very beneficial method of connecting mind, body and spirit. People who practice yoga claim that they feel stronger. They also claim that their minds are clearer. In addition, they feel that they are more connected to the earth and to other human beings. It seems, then, that yoga can help people in many ways.

This paragraph does not prove its assertions because nearly every sentence has the same level of specificity. When we finish reading this paragraph, we've not learned very much about yoga's benefits; the writer has not convinced us with examples. No sub-points exist under the general statements.

The following is a paragraph with more focus and specificity:

Yoga benefits people who practice it in many ways (mind, body, spirit), but most are interested in yoga's effect on the body (topic sentence). When I began yoga, three years ago, I was a jogger and swimmer. I very much liked an aerobic workout, one that got my heart beating fast, so I was suspicious of the seeming slowness of yoga. (specific detail level) In fact, I was amazed at how sore I was after a one and 1/2 hour class. After I learned a few asanas (poses),I realized how much energy and concentration it took to hold a pose and breathe appropriately (even more specific detail level). Now that I no longer have to concentrate so much on pose correctness nor breathing in and out slowly through my nose, I find that I can really get a workout as I go through a twenty-minute flow series without stopping (very specific detail level). In addition, I have more upper body strength than I've ever had (more specific detail level). Certain central asanas (poses) require a kind of slow push-up, not to mention handstands (very specific detail level). I've become a yoga believer and I no longer jog, so probably my knees are going to last a bit longer than they might have. Also, I look forward to going to yoga; sometimes jogging was a chore (specific detail level).

Note the various levels of specificity in this paragraph: the levels move from specific, to more specific, to very specific levels in the middle, then back to the less specific, and finally, returning to the general level of specificity at the beginning of the paragraph.

If your paragraphs move toward very specific examples in the middle, they will give your readers the specificity necessary to prove your assertions.

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Academic Preparation and Transitions

The Academic Preparation and Transitions Department plays an integral role in help incoming first-year students prepare for a successful college experience through the Early Assessment Program and the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students program. More information is available on the Academic Preparation and Transitions webpage

Learning Support Programs

The Learning Support Programs department offers a comprehensive menu of programs and resources designed to help you navigate course expectations and achieve your learning goals: free tutoring for subjects across the curriculum, peer-led supplemental workshops and study sessions for STEM-specific courses, and an online study strategies library. More information is available on the Learning Support Programs webpage. 

Graduation Writing Requirement

All undergraduate students who are seeking a Cal Poly degree must fulfill the GWR before a diploma can be awarded. Students must have upp division standing (completed 90 units) before they can attempt to fulfill the requirement and should do so before the senior year. The two pathways to GWR completion are 1) in an approved upper-division course and 2) via the GWR Portfolio. More information is available on the GWR webpage